What is Personal Branding?
Whether you recognize it or not, you already have a personal brand. A personal brand is your essence and your silhouette—it’s what you do what no one’s looking, and it’s also what others say about you after you’ve left the room. It emanates from a thousand minute daily decisions, both conscious and unconscious—from the way you physically glide through a room to the way you inflect when excited and the clothing that makes you feel courageous. All of these choices identify you as you.
And it is not something you make up, or adopt from others. Personal branding should be a joyful journey of self-discovery, not invention. There’s a truest you down there, and personal branding is about uncovering your personal mythology, methodologies, and morals, and fearlessly inhabiting them.
And sometimes, it’s useful to have help.
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A voyage of self-discovery
Contrary to popular belief, personal branding isn’t about inventing a new identity from scratch—it’s the process of discovering what’s already inside of you. At BrandHuman, we believe that professional productivity, connectivity, and purpose begin with who you are and how you move through life. In the words of our founder, Jasmine Takanikos, “You can’t separate the work of understanding and discovering self from developing a brand voice.”
“You can’t separate the work of understanding and discovering self from developing a brand voice.”
At its core, personal branding is about authenticity. But not curated, #authentic social media moments—authenticity is about how you feel, not what you say or do. “Everyone’s talking about [authenticity] because we are all searching for feeling and connection,” says Jasmine. “Branding through the portal of authenticity is simply uncovering what is naturally there.”
It’s Personal
In order to develop an authentic personal brand, you first have to do the work of personal discovery. What unique skills, perspectives, and insights do you bring to the table? How do you express it to others? The process of identifying and articulating your personal narrative, and ultimately, your worth, is known as personal positioning. Personal positioning is not marketing—it’s a way of capturing your personal brand through the process of understanding self. Think of it this way: Personal positioning is the process of discovery and personal branding is the end result.
At BrandHuman, we take a holistic approach to personal branding through the process of personal positioning. Looking at the brand, body, and business as a cohesive system, we help professionals and entrepreneurs define and shape their personal brands. Here are some of the areas we focus on.
Brand Story
Your personal brand is the narrative you tell about yourself: the continuously evolving story of who you are and why the work you do is important. Whether deliberately or inadvertently, you express this story, through your words, actions, and visual representation—online and off. Expressions of your brand story include:
1. Behavioral tendencies
Pay attention to the energy you project. Are you being true to yourself? The biggest mistake entrepreneurs and professionals make is trying to impose a brand identity on themselves, rather than letting their identity inform their brand. If you’re deeply introverted, don’t try to make your brand about being the life of the party—let your innate personality shine through.
2. Communication style
How do you express yourself? Be mindful of your tonality across different channels. Are you consistent? If you come across as warm and friendly in person, but send stiff, formal emails, people who interact with you may be left wondering which is the “real” you, undermining their trust. No matter what channel you’re using to communicate, it’s important to be your authentic self.
3. Aesthetic and personal style
“The better you look, the more you see. It may sound vacuous but I have lived by this: Style is a powerful language and I believe it is vital,” says Jasmine. What does your look say about you? How you present yourself visually—the aesthetics of your website or social channels, as well as your dress sense—send a message about yourself and your brand.
4. Social media presence
Think about what you choose to share. What story do your posts tell? “We should be sharing a narrative, something more than just a moment,” says Jasmine. But don’t try to force it—allow your story to unfold naturally. “Being in life is what makes content interesting, not life for the sake of creating content,” she adds.
Perception Value
It’s not only important to add value to yourself, your business, or a larger organization, but also understand how that value is perceived by others. While you can’t control what others think, you can think critically about how you’re communicating your value.
We believe that your brand is the sum of the stories you tell about yourself. Take a step back and evaluate the stories you’re telling the world: Do they nourish you and your work? Or are they limiting you? When confronting a story you tell about yourself or your brand, think:
Is it true?
Can you prove it?
What is your brand or work without it?
We tell others how to perceive us through the stories we tell, so make sure you’re saying what you want them to hear.
Inputs and Influences
At BrandHuman, we believe that what you absorb has a direct impact on your creative output. Who are you listening to? “Know where your advisors are coming from, their history, and what stories are informing their opinions,” says Jasmine. “Hear everyone, listen to a few.”
“Hear everyone, listen to a few”
This holds true for your media consumption as much as your diet, rituals, and routines. Honor your body and your mind. In order to do your best work, you need to nourish and care for your physical as well as your mental well-being. Your business, brand, and body are all interconnected.
Tell Your Story
In our social media-saturated culture, we are all storytellers. As entrepreneurs and professionals, it’s more critical than ever that we’re mindful of what our personal brands project to the world.
BrandHuman is a foundational methodology practice that can help you discover and cultivate your personal brand. Contact us to find out more about events, workshops, and one-on-one coaching.