Practicing Presence
Why this, why now?
In this historic time, which is causing momentous shifts for all, it is important to reevaluate and reconnect with our value, asking how we can be of service and how to best offer your service to those around you.
Be equally conscious of what you put out as what you take in. Routines and rituals can make all the difference in staying grounded, and with so many offerings coming to your screens, it can be overwhelming or even distracting. Don’t forget that familiarity and what naturally connects with you can be a comfort, explore the depths of those facets and build daily routines for keeping your focus and connection. When trying new teachers and or techniques, tune into your own compass, find what resonates.
Practicing Presence is an important lesson to remember in this time. Come back to the present moment, witness what is coming up for you, and practice acknowledging it without it pulling you out of what is in front of you. How can your present moment leave more space for your curiosity?